Guest blog: What can therapy do for your business?
Posted on 14th February 2024 at 15:24
We are so excited to be welcoming our first guest blogger - Ella Ashby of Ella's therapies!
Ella is one of our longest standing tenants at Oxford House and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to all things mind body and soul.
We love reading her blogs on her own website and were so happy when she agreed to share one with us to publish here.
To find out more about Ella, you can check out her website:
What can therapy do for your business?
Let’s face it with the best will in the world – life happens. People get sick. Situations occur. They suffer. This impacts EVERY aspect of people’s lives. It will bleed into their work life in attitude and behaviour. You might have an outstanding employee that suddenly faces a challenge in their personal lives, and it affects their work performance significantly.
But with a little bit of support, it doesn’t necessarily need to! You can choose to support your employees!
When people need help, they need it now. As soon as possible. They don’t need to be told they are on a waiting list; and if they are lucky, they may receive talking therapy in a year… and that’s even if it’s the right kind of therapy for them!

We all spend a lot of time in our workplaces. They need to feel safe, secure, and nurturing as well as successful, productive, and thriving!
Potentially you spend more time working with your co-worker’s and employees than you do at home with your family. Have you ever considered that? Teamwork will make the dream work!
We all know that if you invest in your employees and they feel nurtured you are far more likely to retain them as staff for longer (Forbes, 2023) – and crucially they will feel good will, and that good will with drive them to go above and beyond!

Some people are so disfranchised in society that they don’t have anyone to talk to. To offload. They are sitting next to you endlessly worrying without anyone to confide in! They have no one constant in their lives to provide emotional support which is most certainly a basic need! (Maslow, 1943, 1962, 1987).
This is such an easy thing to remedy!
If you want to boost mental health, emotional wellbeing and improve productivity then you really should consider investing in a therapist for your business.

In 2020 poor mental health was estimated to cost in excess of £42 billon a year in sick pay. We can break this down further: (Deloitte, 2020)
Absence cost approx. £7 billion.
Presenteeism cost approx. £27 - £29 billion.
Turnover costs approx. £9 billion.
This has risen to an estimated cost of £56 billion in 2022 (Deloitte, 2022). In the years of 2021/2022 twenty-eight percent of employees left their employment and of those 61% cited poor mental health for their reason in doing so.
Can you imagine what the figure will be in 2025?
This is potentially completely avoidable if those employees have the correct support and intervention at the right time! You can provide this easily, and it is largely tax deductible!

Offering Therapy is one way to invest in your employees. A therapist can work with your staff on anything which is particularly troubling to them such as:
Ongoing emotional support.
Low self-esteem.
Leadership skills.
Mediation between employees.
Absence management.
The list really is endless! That’s just a quick snapshot!

At Ashby Counselling we specialise in bringing therapy into business. Unlike EAP’s we do this by offering:
Personalised support which can be delivered face to face in your workplace, our office, online or via the telephone.
We are relatable. We want to understand your business ethos, its culture, and your employees’ backgrounds.
We sincerely want to help your business and employee’s flourish!
We are integrative therapists and as such we use multiple therapy models because everyone is unique and responds differently. There is no point forcing a round peg into a square hole!
We offer different packages depending on your needs and the size of your business!
No lengthily long-winded contracts needed! We can adapt and overcome as needed by working in partnership!
Let’s boost your business to the next level by concreting its foundations! For more information please contact us on 07709 400 321 or at and we can chat about your business needs and what therapy can do for it!
Maslow, A. H. (1962). Toward a psychology of being. Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company.
Maslow, A. H. (1987). Motivation and personality (3rd ed.). Delhi, India: Pearson Education.
Thankyou so much Ella for this great blog!
Don't forget you can find out about Ella's Therapies and all our fantastic tenants on our 'Meet our Members' page here or check out her website here.
Take care,
Square Feet
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